The first Saturday in September each year is observed as International Vulture Awareness Day by Endangered Wildlife Trust in Soth Africa and Hawk Conservancy Trust in England. The aim is to create awareness about the conservation of Vultures to wider audience and highlight the work carried out by Vulture conservationists. Vultures are large birds of prey specialized to scavenge the bodies of dead animals. They have broad wings and marginated primary feathers at the tips that allow them to soar at greater heights and position themselves in thermals, thus flying for hours with little effort. They have excellent eyesight and can scan for carrion over greater expanses of terrain. There are nine species of Vultures found in India, in which five species belong to the genus Gyps and other four are monotypic. Their population declined more than 90% due to the use of the drug Diclofenac, a non-steroidal anti inflammatory veterinary drug. They also face other threats like loss of habitat and electrocution by power lines, etc. India’ Action Plan for Vulture Conservation 2020-2025 has laid down various measures, including enhancement of conservation breeding programmes, monitoring populations and setting up of rescue centres.

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