Recent Activities

1. Rescue and Rehabilitation of wild animals in trade in coordination with AAZP, DRI and WCCB.

AIWC has been regularly involved in rescue and rehabilitation of wild animals in trade, in coordination with DRI, and WCCB, Chennai. Various rehabilitation operations during April-December 2018 have included 42 Assam roofed turtle, 584 star tortoises, 69 exotic birds, 2 exotic mammals were rescued with technical support from AIWC rescue teams and rehabilitated at AAZP, Vandalur. We have carried out the morphometry measurements, body weight and assessment of health during the quarantine period and added the rescued animals to the Vandalur Zoological Park collection after completion of the quarantine procedures.

2. ACF trainees visit to AIWC

Training and sensitizing officials from other states and agencies is a priority activity at AIWC. Nearly 40 Assistant Conservator of Forests (ACF) trainees of Orissa Forest Academy visited AIWC as a part of their study tour in coordination with AAZP, Vandalur for awareness on AIWC activities and on illegal wildlife trade and role of forensics in wildlife crime investigations and prosecution and crime scene management.

3. Training at LaCONES, CCMB, Hyderabad (29 Oct – 3 November 2018)

The Veterinary Assistant surgeons were trained on the lab techniques in wildlife forensics for week in order to boost up the scientific and research know-how in our core research activities. The LaCONES and AIWC also have plans to get into long term tie up for collaborative conservation research.

4. Tamil Nadu Zoo animal Keeper Training Series 2018-19 at AIWC

The Advanced Institute has trained three batches each of 20 zoo animal keepers from AAZP, Vandalur; GNP, Guindy and Kurumbapatty Zoo, Salem in captive animal management techniques such as sanitation, animal nutrition, record keeping, animal enclosure enrichment, first aid measures, captive breeding, restrain and handling of zoo animals and healthcare management.