Centre for Wildlife Forensic Sciences
Wildlife Forensic science is a systematic science that provides tools for answering legal questions involving wildlife crimes. It includes usage of morphometric tools to identify diagnostic morphological characters of wildlife articles/ samples and use of molecular tools in species identification by DNA bar-coding and individual identification with microsatellite markers. Illegal hunting of wildlife is a serious concern for wildlife conservation in India. DNA bar-coding with universal primer technology is one of the most effective protocols developed so far which provides greater assistance in dealing wildlife crime cases. Besides wildlife forensics is increasingly applied as important tool for improving understanding and application to the field of conservation genetics and population dynamics.
Area of research
The morphological identification and verification of diagnostic characters of wildlife evidences/samples received from the field, with reference specimens of Biophysical referral library of morphometry lab.
DNA extraction, PCR amplification, DNA sequencing and sequence blasting.
Species/Individual Identification (includes Geographical Origin Determination).
Creation of Database with the results of the lab experiments.
Creation of reference repository of known biological samples.
Research and Development for strengthening repository gene bank of the endangered and captive species.
Centre for Animal Care Sciences
Animal Care plays a crucial role for conservation of species both in captivity and in wild. Conservation breeding programmes of the Zoos will be assisted by AIWC after undertaking detailed study on the species concerned. Standardised protocols related to disease management, animal translocation, veterinary care, rescue & rehabilitation of wild animals and hands rearing of orphan animals are the core components of the research works taken up under this centre.
Area of research
Disease diagnostics, therapeutics and its management.
Develop protocols for mitigation of human-wildlife conflicts
Establish data-base of good practices in wild animal and Veterinary care
Establishment of Ambulatory Veterinary Care for Wild animals.
Centre for Study on Population Dynamics, Species Survival and Climate Change
This centre will take up studies on the biophysical impacts on species that lead to their population decline and also the impact of Climate Change on wildlife species and their habitats. The centre will focus on adopting a multi-pronged approach that includes research, technology aided management support, training and capacity building of the implementing agencies, monitoring of population and habitats, stakeholder sensitization and mobilization, and mitigation of climate change threats in priority habitats.
Area of research
Sub Centre – Centre for Population dynamics and Species Survival
Strengthening of existing population of selected species in its natural environment.
Establishment of advanced breeding techniques like artificial insemination, Embryo transfer, cryo-preservation of gametes and gonads for species survival of vulnerable species.
Improve habitat condition and protection measures that aid in species survival
Enhance community participation in conservation
Capacity Building internal and external
Sub Centre – Centre for Climate Change Impact Study on species and habitat
Climate Change Cell- developing expertise on the effects of climate change on habitat, endangered species, and the ecosystem. The sub- centre will act as Climate Change Cell developing expertise on the effects of climate change on habitat, endangered species, and the ecosystem.
Field vulnerability and risk assessment, mitigation measures and action plan on target species and habitats. For example impact of climate change on non-native species invasions, coastal species vulnerability, impact on lower taxa and wetland obligated species.
Impact of climate change on species as expressed genetically and phenotypically
Sourcing climate proofing public/private investments and financial instruments for climate adaptations.
Capacity building and training-internal and external
Centre for Marine Species
This centre would focus on marine and coastal wildlife species. This centre will coordinate among various departments like Fisheries, Indian Coast Guard, and Marine Police on research and development in training and skill development for resource management.
Area of research
Study of the marine and coastal species
Animals Selection (based on Phylum, Class, Order, Genus and Species).
Study of animal habit, habitat, and its behaviour.
Identification of species and specimens.
Study of marine animal systems, e.g., Anatomical, Physiological, Nervous,Skeleton and Reproductive behaviour.
Reference collection from various places.
Study of the Environment
Marine Environment is different in various places like deep sea, shallow area, and estuary.
Study of various parameters like temperature, salinity, pH , turbidity etc. for monitoring the marine habitat.
Analysis of water systems and flow and water quality.
AIWC Data Diagnostic and Analytics Centre
AIWC Data Diagnostic and Analytics Centre will centralize all wildlife database development for systematic data keeping, integrating them, and conduct regular data analysis for informed decision making at field level. This facility has advanced technology such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (also known as drone), e-surveillance system, radio and GPS telemetry, trail- camera monitoring system and decision support system to monitor wild animal population dynamics and conflict mitigation. This centralized decision support system serves as a coordinating unit between the field sites and concerned officials at regional level and at state level. It identifies the knowledge gap and coordinates with field units/staff to implement the already used technology such as Camera Trapping in a systematic manner and manage database for decision-making.
Data Diagnostic and Analytics Centre works on strengthening the following technologies in wildlife monitoring,
Continuous Camera Monitoring System
Radio and GPS Telemetry System
E-surveillance and Alert System
Un-manned Aerial vehicles and Underwater System
Decision Support System